Sunday, July 12, 2009

Buying tickets

Today, I rode two buses about 16 stops to buy the very last train ticket to Beijing on Wednesday. Sadly, I couldn't buy the one I wanted, so I'm arriving in Beijing about 8 hours ahead of schedule. Oops. I guess that just means one more night in Beijing (which I won't complain about).

This week will probably be pretty boring. We have a test tomorrow, and class everyday until Wednesday, but then it's off to Beijing for the environmental conference.

Since this week will be uneventful until Wednesday, I'll share what a normal day is like for an American studying in China. Since I'm studying for tomorrow's test right now, I got take-out from the restaurant next to my dorm. It was 5元 (approximately $0.73) and is definitely going to fill me up.

This is what one of my textbooks (plural) looks like.

That article is about the closing of the second annual China-America Strategic Economic Forum, or something to that effect.

More about that later.

Until then,


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