Sunday, November 8, 2009


So we've been on the bus a lot for the past few days...

But the time off the bus has been pretty fun.

Saturday, we went to Mogao Caves 莫高窟. We couldn't take pictures inside the caves, so I've posted the Wikipedia link above.

My friend Jen snuck this picture of the "tallest Buddha in China."

After that, we went to Crescent Moon Lake oasis.

This was where one of the emperor's concubines (or someone) lived in the summer. The lake used to be a lot deeper, but the steel factories that China has built everywhere in the region have made the Gobi desert even dryer than it already was.

Ole Miss!

I got sand in my shoes...


Today, we went to the westernmost fort of the Great Wall, which is called Jiayu Pass or 嘉峪关 in Chinese.

Now, we're in some random county (Ejina?) in Inner Mongolia. It's hours away from EVERYTHING and there is nothing to do at all. We'll be in Xi'an in two days.

Until then,


"Matthew on Camel" and "Fort," copyright 2009 Lisa He. The others, copyright 2009 Jen Hirsch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good post. You look like you might need some more clothes on though i.e. a COAT maybe. Sorry the mom in me keeps coming out. haha. Camel riding looked fund. See you soon.