Thursday, November 5, 2009

What I miss

My family 我的家人

My friends 我的朋友

Southern food 南方菜

Fall in Mississippi 密西西比的秋天

Ole Miss 密西西比大学

With all that said, I am really enjoying my time in Shanghai and the other parts of China I've visited. The people I've met are awesome, and I wouldn't trade the past four months for anything. But the closer I get to December 16, the happier I am to see everything that I mentioned above. As my mom reminded me this morning via text message: 42 days!

(This post brought to you by boredom and "American-style" chicken that Aunt Pan cooked for me)



Unknown said...

looks like aunt pan is trying to fatten you up won't be long and you'll be in houston

Unknown said...

maybe my chicken casserole will be as good as Aunt Pan's cooking. Tell her I appreciate her taking such good care of you. See you soon.

Unknown said...

oh yeah btw it is 5 months not 4