Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well, we were just informed by the Chinese government (via Ole Miss Study Abroad) that if one person on our plane of around 400 people has any flu-like symptoms, the gov't will quarantine the entire plane in a hotel for seven days. Hmm...

But hopefully that won't happen.

Just an update, trying to filling up the internet before I leave in 10 DAYS 11 HOURS.

Goodbye, America.


The Erikson's said...

I will leave comments- I check it- haven't since you left china last year- but I will when you leave again and I will leave you great comments and let you know what all is going on here!! we're going to miss you- and maybe when you get back cole will be out and you'll get to spend some quality time with your favorite cuz!! :)

Matthew Archer said...

haha there's a chance he won't though...but i'm glad you're reading my blog! definitely keep me updated.

The Erikson's said...

Good luck man! I got your blog on our igoogle homepage now.... Keep us up! Have fun and be safe. We'll miss ya man!

The Erikson's said...
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