Saturday, August 15, 2009

Birthdays and Exams :: Endings and Beginnings

So, last week was really busy.

Last weekend, we celebrated Richard and Jennings' birthdays. I've already talked about Richard's, so you don't need to hear about it again. We had a surprise party for Jennings at Le Bang, and he was surprised. After that, we went to karaoke (our new favorite pastime, apparently).

This next picture is from karaoke. We sang "Happy Birthday" to Jennings in Chinese. Then in English. Your eyes aren't lying to you; that says "Happy birsday to you."

We started our exam preparation on Monday and had two finals on Tuesday. Wednesday, we took the hardest test I've ever taken - the HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, or Chinese Proficiency Test). Thursday, all the students had to present for 15-20 minutes on a topic dealing with the differences between American and Chinese culture. After that, we went to Golden Hahn's barbeque and beer restaurant. An appropriate way to end this summer, minus the fact that it was awful. It was really fun, though and a good way to hang out with our roommates and friends before saying goodbye.

After that, I went back to the dorm and took a nap. That night, my host family from last year took me out to eat at Hong Kong 97, which was really amazing. I like them a lot.

After that, they took me to Qingdao's internationally well-known Qingdao Beerfest. Sadly - really really sadly - Beerfest started tonight in Qingdao. I am no longer in Qingdao. Unlucky.

However, my host dad was awesome and got us in on Thursday night. Although the grounds were empty except for a few workers, I can imagine what it will look like when the 700,000 people come to participate in the festival.

My host brother Meng-qi has really shiny shoes.

Friday night was the last night we had together in Qingdao with each other and with our roommates, so we celebrated.

Eugene is so awesome!

We went to a good dumpling restaurant, and had fun. After that, we went out to Old Jack's, then to Le Bang, and then back early so we wouldn't miss our planes, trains, and automobiles.

This is a really good picture that my friend Armstrong took and gave me. If you click on, it's a lot bigger, duh.

I got to Shanghai today around 8 PM and my friend Chen Jing met me at the train station and helped me get to my hotel. The hotel, by the way, is really nice. And there are more foreigners in this district of Shanghai than Chinese people.

I'm happy and sad about being in Shanghai. I'm sad because I'm going to miss my friends a lot this semester. I'm going to miss my family a lot, too, and I worry that everyone's always okay, as if I could do anything about anyway. The internet makes it a lot easier, though, so at least a few times a week, I can be in my friends' houses and I can see pictures of the Grove as football games are happening. Still, I'm going to miss you guys A LOT and I can't wait to be back in December!

I'm happy for a lot more reasons that why I'm sad. One, my dad is going to be in Shanghai in about 20 hours, and we're going to have so much fun! Second, I'm excited about the new people I'll meet in Shanghai this semester. Even in the past two months, I've met some people that I would like to keep in touch with for a long time - people I can see myself meeting back up with in Beijing or Shanghai or Hong Kong in 30 years. Third, I'm really looking forward to all the new experiences that Shanghai's going to offer. It's definitely "the new Paris," and I can't wait to explore the city.

Pictures of Walter tomorrow!!

Until then,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok i am expecting you to take good care of Dad for me. I hope ya'll have a wonderful week and i know he will come back with all kind of stories to tell. wish anna and i were there too. maybe next time. we love you and miss you. have a good time!!!!!!!!!!!!