Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekend and First Day of Class

Friday night we watched the Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe perform at some random theatre. It was pretty awesome.

This is five motorcycles in a big metal ball. It was awesome and scary.

After that, I went home and rested because I was really tired.

Saturday, CIEE hosted the "Amazing Race - Shanghai." My group actually won first place, but it was close and we wanted the second-place prize (one hour foot and body massage) so we conceded defeat and went with it.

Saturday night, we went out. It was a really interesting night. I'll leave it at that.

Sunday, I went to pick up my friend Chris from the airport. He's studying this semester at Nanjing University, which is about a two hour train ride from Sha-town. After that, I went to watch the VT game with McDaniel. I had to leave early, though, because my host mother made me some super tasty crab and tofu soup. was the first day of class, and it went really well. I had Chinese at 1:00 and history (for three hours) at 3. Then I came home and ate, updated my blog, and I'm about to leave for Shanghainese class.

In case you don't already know, the Shanghainese dialect sounds nothing like standard Mandarin. Although almost everyone in Shanghai can speak standard Mandarin, the real moneyz comes from speaking with the Shanghainese in, well, Shanghainese. They really respect foreigners a lot more if they can speak multiple dialects of Chinese.

Confucius say: 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也 It means if you know what's up, say it. But if you don't know what you're talking about, shut it. That's how to tell who's smart and who's an idiot. (source: Archer, Matthew. Confucius in Modern English. New York, 2009.)


Unknown said...

Glad to hear the first day of class went well. Just got through eating hot buttered biscuits with chocolate gravy - thought of you the entire time. Will make you some your second mornig home. Making a good ole southern breakfast your first morning haha. Hope classes keep going well.

Matthew Archer said...

Well, I just finished eating a huge meat dumpling and a boiled egg for breakfast. Not the same.