Friday, December 18, 2009

Back home

Houston, Mississippi, and Shanghai, China, are unbelievably different places.

Despite my undying love for China and everything (ok, almost everything) Chinese, I am happy to spend some time at home. I am happy to see my family and friends. I am happy to smell clean, autumn air. I am happy to drive my car. I am happy to eat Southern food. I am happy to start classes next semester at Ole Miss.

But I'm sad, too. I'm sad to leave Shanghai. I'm sad to leave my new friends who made last semester great. I'm sad to be this far away from my host family, who in 4 short months became a real family to me. I'm sad to leave a city with unlimited opportunities, only to come back to a place where I sometimes feel I've exhausted all of the educational and career options available to me.

Nonetheless, I'm glad to be back. My home was definitely a sight for sore eyes after the concrete forests of Shanghai.

Now, it's time to go eat. I'm writing a column about life in China for my community newspaper, so I'll post that when it's published.

Until then,


1 comment:

Claire said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're home!