Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grow up.

I've been intentionally quiet on the debt ceiling because I don't know a ton about it. I can't comprehend numbers like 14.3 trillion.

But I do understand a little bit about economics, and I know that most GOP analyses of this whole debt ceiling crisis are political bullshit. They're playing games with our livelihoods, and they think it's hilarious because they're making Democrats - politicians like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Steny Hoyer - sweat like pigs. For many people from North Mississippi, these people may seem too liberal, but they're good people, and they're looking out for people who are less fortunate than themselves.

Why are our politicians allowed to lie? Jon Kyle (R-AZ) said that Democrats want to raise taxes on middle class families. That's simply not true. Any proposed tax hikes would affect only the 2% of American families that make over $250,000 a year. The top two percent of earners in an economy is not middle class, no matter how you spin it. If you're in the upper echelons of our socioeconomic class system, and you think that paying some of the lowest taxes of a civilized nation is even a little bit decent (or even worse, if you think paying more is "exploitative" or "unfair" or "immoral"), then you're a selfish bastard reprobate. Plain and simple. Scrape the bottom of the barrel, and you'll find those people who think huge corporations like BP and Exxon Mobil deserve huge tax breaks and loopholes - ways to avoid contributing their fair share to our society. These views are irresponsible and unforgivable.

Congressional debates are no longer debates. Congressmen and women know exactly how they're going to vote, and nothing their colleagues say can change it. Very few of our legislators are working for us; they're working for themselves. Republicans lie to us constantly, and you can see it in their eyes and hear it in their voices - they're almost giddy when they stick it to Democrats. They love being able to force their backwards ideology on the United States under the guise of "conservatism" and "religion." But in fact, it's just the opposite of that.

If I hear the word "compromise" cross a Republican's - especially a Tea Partier's - lips one more time, I'm going to explode. These people are squeezing the life out of us, and they're happy about it. Nothing they do affects them. They're not accountable for their actions, for their lies, and it's terrifying. Barack Obama and other Democrats have moved farther right than even most Republicans would have been willing to go during the Bush administration, but it's not enough. It will never be enough because House Republicans are ignorant, childish, selfish and backwards. They might get a laugh at seeing President Obama visibly upset on national television, but what they're doing is bad for everyone on the planet.

Ms. Bachmann, Mr. Boehner, Mr. Nunnelee and others, let me tell you how the government works. Raising the debt limit doesn't give the president a "blank check" like you keep saying, so either you're really stupid, a vile liar, or some horrible combination of the two (my vote is on that one). Do you realize that Congress (i.e. you and your colleagues) decide how money is spent in the United States? Do you realize that it's the legislative branch (i.e. you) that dictates spending? Once you decide what to do, the president either signs it into law or vetoes it. Pretty simple. You're an embarrassment to your country. Words do not express how strongly I detest you and your minions.

I've never had so little faith in my government as I do right now.

I'll leave you with Sander Levin's (D-MI) floor statement from earlier today. We really need more people like this, people who are decent and in Washington for the right reasons, to stand up and speak out. It's time to get mad.

Grow up, Republicans. Americans aren't stupid, and we're not blind. If you keep going like this, prepare to fall.

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